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TBC AD SF4 Range 137x22mm

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The TBC range of HRC Fuses 400/415 Volt Industrial Fuse-Links with Bolted Connections to BS88: Part 2 IEC60269-2 EN60269-2 Rated voltages: 415V a.c., 250V d.c. Breaking range and utilization category: gG Rated breaking capacities: 80kA at 415V a.c, 40kA at 250V d.c. Lawson Type fuse-links are for use in industrial installations and can be fitted into BS88 bolted fuse-holders and distribution fusegear. The range includes all BS88: Part 2 reference fuse-links up to 800 Amps and has gG classification , ensuring compliance with the current edition of the UK Wiring Regulations. Many non-reference tag variants are available to cater for installation in non-standard or specialised equipment . The range has a rated voltage of 415V a.c. and has been certified at a test recovery voltage of at least 110%. These fuselinks are therefore suitable for use on systems with voltages up to 457V a.c. The range also has a rating of 250V d.C.